Sunday, January 20, 2013

Bella Andre Sullivan #3

I have a slight addiction these days with listening to Bella Andre's Sullivans series.  I have listened to the first three books and so far I am in love.  I mentioned the first two books in a previous post, but I did not include many details.

I would definitely start with the first book of this series The Look of Love.  Here we are introduced to the 8 siblings that make up the Sullivan clan.  This book centers around Chase Sullivan who is a photographer and Chloe Peterson a girl on the run from her abusive ex-husband.  Chase and Chloe's story is both touching and hot, and this story began my addiction to find out about the rest of the siblings.

The 2nd book, From this Moment On pairs Winery owner and eldest Sullivan brother Marcus with pop sensations Nicola (Nico) Harding.  Nicola has recently been hurt by a man and has trust issues. Marcus caught his girlfriend of two years in bed with another man.  Both are looking for a one night stand but get more than they bargain for.  As hot and touching as the first one and again I continued right into the next one.

The 3rd book, Can't Help Falling In Love, brings together Gabe Sullivan and Megan Harris in an unexpected way. He rescues her and her daughter Summer from a fire in their apartment.  Gabe doesn't date fire victims because he's been burned in a past experience, and Megan swears she will never date a man who puts his life at risk on a regular basis after losing her husband to a plane crash.  The heat between these two burns hot. 

Each book gives more information about the other siblings in the family. I am so excited after finishing this last one, I have downloaded number 4 and am ready to get to listening.  Eva Kaminsky is fabulous to listen to.

I'm trying to pace myself because I know I will be sad when the series is over!

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