Monday, July 25, 2011

Bad Girl By Night (H.O.T. Cops, #1)Bad Girl By Night by Lacey Alexander

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lacey Alexander does it again. The first book in the H.O.T. Cops series is smokin' hot.

Carly, a small town girl seen as sweet, shy, and opposed to sex has a secret life. She sneaks into a neighboring town to become Desiree a women with no sexual hangups whatsoever. After her first encounter with two men she returns home only to find that Jake Lockhart, one of the two men she had been with, has moved to her small town of Turnbridge, Michigan where he has become a local cop. In a struggle to come to terms with the two sides of herself Carly and Jake uncover more about themselves and one another than they bargained for.

This is one of my favorite Lacey Alexander books so far (Voyeur will always be my number one as it was my first erotic romance). These characters have a deep story that engages the reader while also making sure that the heat of the sex scenes is so hot it scorches. I look forward to getting to know some of these other H.O.T. cops in the future.

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