Friday, June 14, 2019

Summer Reading! A new Spotlight Series Coming!

It's summertime, and I will be back at it! I have lots to catch you up on! I am excited to get back to sharing with you my favorite romance reads as well as a new Spotlight I will be doing on some amazing authors who have been helping me out.  As you start interacting with my posts here, let me know your favorite genres of romance. I tend to go back and forth between contemporary, paranormal, and erotic romance, but I like a little bit of everything. 

Since coming back to California, I have had the pleasure of joining the Orange County Chapter of Romance Writers of America and have been volunteering like crazy.  As part of that volunteering I have taken on our Orange Rose Contest for unpublished writers. I will be doing a spotlight series on some of our amazing authors who graciously volunteered their time to judge for our contest.

I hope you will check out these amazing writers!

I am also working on my own writing and look forward to sharing that process with you in the future!

I will be attending RWA Nationals in New York in July and look forward to sharing some giveaways with you when I return!

All the best!


What's your favorite romance genre? Who's your favorite romance author?

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